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Ear Candling

Ear candling, or thermo-auricular therapy, is an ancient, non-invasive complementary therapy which helps treat conditions associated with the ear, nose and throat.

The treatment involves placing a hollow, cone-shaped tube (or ‘candle’) made of cotton, soaked in beeswax, honey and herbs about a quarter of an inch into the ear canal. The end of the candle is then lit, and a gentle vacuum is created which draws out impurities such as wax and debris which may be lodged in the ear canal. The candle gradually burns down over the course of about 10-15 minutes and during this time the face and around the ears are gently massaged to stimulate the removal of excess wax and impurities.


Ear candling can be particularly for conditions such as sinus problems, ear wax, tinnitus and headaches. As well as these potential benefits the treatment is also relaxing.

Although it has been used for thousands of years around the world, ear candling has only recently been introduced by the NHS for use alongside conventional medical treatments such as grommets, antibiotics and ear syringing 

The treatment is not carried out soon after any form of ear surgery and if a client has any of the following: cysts in the ears, high blood pressure, on-going ear or sinus infections, cochlear implants, allergies to any products in the candle, inflammation in the ears, perforated eardrums, grommets or tubes in the ears, acute otosclerosis (an abnormal bone growth in the middle ear), mastoiditis (an infection of the mastoid bone behind the ear), difficulty breathing around small amounts of smoke. 

When carried out professionally, an ear candling session can be a relaxing and enjoyable experience for the client. At the start of the session you will have a full consultation, in which your therapist will discuss your medical history and current symptoms to help assess if ear candling is the right treatment for you and what your expectations are.

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